Adhoc livecoding tribe : a collective Algorave B2B (as Geranienduenger) + a set with computersinddoof in the secet toilet disco
38th Chaos Communication Congress (38C3), Hamburg -
Careables: Kollaborative Entwicklung personalisierter Hilfsmittel als Open Hardware
Kollagen-VI-Fachtagung 2024, Leimen -
Re-Purposing and Hacking an Educational Toy to Become More Inclusive
DRHA 2024, Munich -
Open Technologies: Space for Experimentation
Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg
- Hacking and Accessibility
Vulca Seminar 2023
Center Rog, Ljubljana
Tip Toi Hacking
Meshcon 2022 (Berlin) -
Den Turn zum Auditiven weiterdrehen: Akustische Interfaces für taube Menschen
Tagung Akustische Interfaces
Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin -
Open Hardware und Recht auf Reparatur: Schnittmengen, Absichten und Ansichten (Panel discussion)
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Magnificent Mobile Makerspaces
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Global Perspectives x Track Team Meet-up
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Why we need more Open Source Hardware and Software for Health Applications (Panel Discussion)
Fossasia Summit 2022 -
Pocket Science Lab
Fossasia Summit 2022
Open Hardware Happy Hour (O3H)
rC3 (Remote Chaos Experience) -
Open Hardware in Times of Crisis and the Future of Local Production
rC3 (Remote Chaos Experience) -
Prototype Fund Hardware: Einblicke und Ausblicke
rC3 (Remote Chaos Experience) -
Live Tutorial: Tip-Toi Hacking, Image Generation, and Body Storming
OutOfTheBox, Breakdown #2 -
DIY-Prostheses, Toys and Remote-Prototyping
Roundtable Discussion, Access and Tinkering:
Designing Assistive Technologies as Political Practice, Third Network Meeting Dis-/Abilities and Digital Media -
OSH Communication Kit: Conversation starters for the Deaf and the Hearing
Design for Quaran-time: Winning time through delaying actions
Former Merve Publishing Space Berlin, Nordic Study University: Study Circle Cybiosis -
Make some Noise! On critical artifacts
Technical University of Berlin, HubIT MakerLab Berlin
Open Next - Learning from Open Hardware: DevOps and Continuous Integration for the Production of Big Machines
36C3 (Chaos Computer Congress, Leipzig), Critical Decentralisation Cluster -
Polite Interaction Rituals: Improving Human-Machine Interplay
Technical University of Berlin, HubIT Berlin Workshop on Critical Making -
Open Hardware for Health
MachBar Potsdam -
Careables: Open Hardware in Health + Care
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Polite Interfaces - It’s all about timing
Nida Art Colony, Lithuania, Nordic Study University: Study Circle Cybiosis -
Open Hardware
Netzpolitischer Abend der Digitalen Gesellschaft #81 @C-base, Berlin
Peer-Inventing Assistive Technologies (Panel)
35C3 (Chaos Computer Congress, Leipzig), Critical Decentralisation Cluster -
Assistive Technology / Wie Menschen mit Behinderung Hilfsmittel selber entwickeln (Panel)
Maker Faire Berlin -
Tools for people who know what they want: Co-designing assistive technologies
Vienna University of Technology - Institute for Design & Assessment of Technology
Making Experts Makers and Makers Experts
34C3 (Chaos Computer Congress, Leipzig) -
Maker Technologies for DIY-Body-Enhancements
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Develop your own Metamaterial Mechanisms
CeBIT 2017
Vacuum Forming Experiences
Hackware 2.0 Meet-Up Singpore -
Visual Code Evaluation
Creative Coding Meetup: Three of Pentacles
Growell, Singapore
Glow-Modulated Information: Oscillating Simple Displays
University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz, Department of Interface Cultures -
Über kurz oder lang - zur Reparierbarkeit
Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art
How dare you? Acts of Deviance and Strategies of Discreditation (With Alexander Schwinghammer)
ISEA (Inter-Society for Electronic Arts) -
Crafting Complaints as a Civic Duty (With Jamie L. Ferguson) ISEA (Inter-Society for Electronic Arts)
Presentation of the Art and Design PhD Program at Bauhaus University Weimar (With Dörte Dennemann)
Workshop: Promotion in Design: Auf der Suche nach einer eigenen Form
7th Annual Meeting of the DGTF -
MMK 2010 (Mensch-Maschine-Komunikation)
- Hälfte Lötbert
Pecha Kucha Shanghai